Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Evolution of Memes

The Evolution of Memes

Hello all! This is my final version of my project video. I hope that I explained what exactly is a meme, gave a few examples, and then illustrated, perhaps, how the new media on the internet have allowed for information to disseminate faster than ever before, for memes to spawn and spread, and also allowing some incremental increase in control over what idea will become a meme for the "average joe".

Draft the 4th

I really like the last bit that I changed. The video has been rearranged a bit and edited. There will be a bit more editing before midnight. Methinks the Kenny Glen part might say goodbye. Let me know if anyone has any comments/insights/questions.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Did we need a third draft?

This is almost the same as the previous vid, just cleaned up a lot and with some extra audio and a few visuals added. I might try to shorten it and tighten up some of the nuts and bolts of meme creation... perhaps talking about things like the Amazon fail incident, just walking through that really quickly, a viral vid, and leaving lolcats. we'll see. The thing is, there is no magic recipe for creating a meme. They happen. Some things will make memes more likely to become viral memes than other, less infectious, memes. hrmm...